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en:factoryresetsssp [2019/07/24 09:11]
hchedjou created
en:factoryresetsssp [2022/12/12 17:51] (current)
admin [Step 2]
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 ===== Step 1  ===== ===== Step 1  =====
-If the screen isn't already on, power it on. With the remote control, **select HDMI source**, ​wait for 10 seconds and **shut the screen off** by pressing the “POWER OFF” button+If the screen isn't already on, power it on. With the remote control, **select HDMI source**, **shut the screen off** by pressing the “POWER OFF” button ​and wait for 10 seconds.
 {{ public_media:​remotecontrol_poweroff.png?​nolink&​200 |}} {{ public_media:​remotecontrol_poweroff.png?​nolink&​200 |}}
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 ===== Step 2  ===== ===== Step 2  =====
-This part as to be done really fast to work +The folliwing ​part has to be done in less thank 5 seconds
 Press the "​**Mute**"​ button then press the following button in that order : "​**1**",​ "​**8**",​ "​**2**"​ and then on the **power button** (which is red). Press the "​**Mute**"​ button then press the following button in that order : "​**1**",​ "​**8**",​ "​**2**"​ and then on the **power button** (which is red).