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en:infotrafic [2024/02/12 11:51]
nraulet created
en:infotrafic [2024/02/12 11:55] (current)
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 https://​developers.google.com/​maps/​documentation/​javascript/​get-api-key?​hl=Fr#​key https://​developers.google.com/​maps/​documentation/​javascript/​get-api-key?​hl=Fr#​key
 <WRAP centre round info 60%> <WRAP centre round info 60%>
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 In the example above, the use of the traffic information provided by Google Map remains free because it is less than 28,000 times loaded per month. In the example above, the use of the traffic information provided by Google Map remains free because it is less than 28,000 times loaded per month.
-Above this limit, Google will charge you $7.00 per 1,000 loads (up to 100,000 loads) and $5.60 per 1,000 loads (over 100,​000). ​+Above this limit, Google will charge you $7.00 per 1,000 loads (up to 100,000 loads) and $5.60 per 1,000 loads (over 100,000). 
 +To optimise costs, we suggest that you display the traffic information only at the times you need it (e.g. peak hours or office arrival or departure times), that on certain screens you increase the display time or the duration of the playlist to limit the frequency of calls to Google. You can also display the traffic info page for several minutes at a time, which will reduce the number of requests. 
 +Below is a google sheet link to estimate the possible costs depending on your use: 
 +[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1uF3mdAf6_UyCcnEJA0fdPN-HPCRsBfnSoD-hULCb-3M/​edit?​usp=sharing|Estimation Google Sheet for widget info traffic google map]] 
 +Once you have obtained your API key, you can go back to http://​widgets.zebrix.net and generate a link to the traffic info widget in which your key will be integrated. 
 +===== Application of a quota to maintain control over the amount charged by Google ===== 
 +<WRAP centre round help 60%> 
 +**Did you know that you can apply a quota of requests via your Google Cloud Console?  
 +This allows you to keep control of the amount billed by Google, and even to remain free by staying below the monthly limit of 28,000 requests (i.e. less than 903 requests per day). 
 +Select your project 
 +Go to the **IAM and admin** section 
 +Edit the quota corresponding to the number of monthly requests 
 +A limit of 903 daily requests allows you to stay within the limit of 28,000 monthly requests. 