====== The eco-solutions button (accessible from the zebrix screens page) ====== {{ :en:barreecosolution.png |}} **This button opens a window with all the energy optimisation options.** - Fine tuning of the authorised switch-on times. - Management of exclusion days. - Compliance with Ecowatt regulations. - Backlight level adjustment. ===== 1- Fine tuning of the allowed switch-on times. ===== {{ :en:dayonoff1en.png?800 |}} //**It has been observed that, for ease of use, many customers generally manage broadcast schedules globally over very wide opening hours in order to cover the often heterogeneous opening hours of their various points of sale. This results in unnecessary switch-on times and related energy (and wear) wastage as well as local issues of non-compliance with LARs (local advertising regulations).**// This feature allows the local user to accurately set their opening hours, even taking into account their lunchtime closure. The result is that the screens can be switched on at more restrictive times than the centrally defined global schedule and that energy savings are more or less significant. A screen that is switched on at 7 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. saves 15 to 20%. Moreover, a screen that works less is also a screen that wears less and whose life span is statistically extended. To use this feature, first click on the box **Enable broadcast hours limitation**. Then you will need to select an opening time per day by choosing a start time (in the top box) and an end time (in the box just below "to"). {{ :en:dayonoff2en.png?200 |}} **To create a break in the day,** you will need to enter a first opening and closing time: e.g. the opening and closing time of the morning, then click on the **"+"** button to add a new opening time line. You can then enter a second opening and closing time for the same day. If no time is entered for a day, the screen will remain off for that day. Finally, to save the changes, press **"Save these settings "**. ===== 2- Management of exclusion days. ===== {{ :en:holidaysen.png?800 |}} In this tab, it is possible to enter the exceptional closing days corresponding for example to public holidays or holidays. To enter a holiday period, you enter the start and end date included in the closure period, for an isolated day, you only need to give the same date for the start and end of the period. The description is informative for the user. Finally, the "annual recurrence" box will allow this closure period to be extended to subsequent years. The **"+"** button will add a new line for a new period, the **"X "** button will delete the line for the period concerned. {{ :en:holidays1en.png?800 |}} In the drop-down list "Pre-filled known public holidays", you will be able to select the holidays of your country for the concerned year, after your choice, they will be listed below. Then to add them, you will have to click on **"Add these days "**. and these dates will be added to the list of closing days. {{ :en:holidays2en.png?800 |}} Finally, to save the changes, you must press **"Save these settings "**. ===== 3- Compliance with Ecowatt regulations. ===== {{ :en:ecowatten.png?800 |}} Zebrix now interacts directly with the RTE APIs and is therefore automatically informed in the case of a red Ecowatt day when the regulation requires the switch-off of controllable advertising screens. If this option is activated by clicking on the box "Automatically switch off this/these screen(s) on a Red Ecowatt day" on a screen, it will automatically remain switched off on a Red Ecowatt day and will resume its normal operation the following day. ===== 4- Adjustable backlight level ===== {{ :en:retrolighten.png?800 |}} The backlight of the screen is the component that consumes the most energy (between 80% and 95% of its consumption). Reducing the level of backlighting is therefore an effective measure to reduce the power consumption of a display. The local user is now able to change this value from the zebrix CMS. Depending on the ambient brightness of the display location, the backlight does not necessarily have to be set to its maximum value to provide a sufficiently bright image. * 90%, the energy saving is about 7%. * 80%, the energy saving is about 15%. * 70%, the energy saving is about 23%. * 60%, the energy saving is about 32%. * 50%, the energy saving is about 40%. Finally, to save the changes, press **"Save these settings "**.