====== Ecowatt (France) ====== {{:fr:ecowatt_logo.png?nolink|}} ===== Did you know? ===== In France, a law came into force on 1 October 2022 requiring all illuminated advertising (including screens) to be switched off in the event of a threat to the security of electricity supply (known as "Ecowatt red days"). ===== What is an Ecowatt red day? ===== {{:fr:logo-rte.png?nolink|}} According to RTE (the company that manages France's electricity transmission network), this is a day when the electricity supply situation is very tense and power cuts are inevitable if we don't reduce our electricity consumption. However, these blackouts can be avoided if electricity consumption is reduced voluntarily and substantially. During these days, both businesses and private individuals are asked to make efforts to reduce their consumption. In addition, certain laws impose obligations on specific sectors of activity. This is the case for advertising screens. ===== Are your screens affected? ===== It depends! The law only applies to advertising screens located in France that are : * indoors, where their location makes them visible from the public highway (e.g. shop window screens) * located on roads open to public traffic. * present in airports, railway and bus stations and public transport stations and stops. However, any other screen switched off during a red Ecowatt day is welcome to help guarantee an electricity supply for society's most vital uses. see also : Article L. 143 6 2 of the Energy Code: https://www.doctrine.fr/l/texts/codes/LEGITEXT000023983208/articles/LEGIARTI000046190831 What should you do when an Ecowatt red day is announced? Your screens will be expected to remain switched off throughout the Ecowatt red day. As zebrix will not take any initiative to switch off screens, it is your responsibility to ensure that your screens remain switched off in accordance with the law in force. ===== How do you turn off your screens? ===== Don't panic! This operation can be carried out simply from the zebrix CMS in just a few clicks. So there's no need to mobilise your staff or franchisees to operate the remote control of their screen(s) on site (except for screens with faulty internet access making remote control impossible). The evening before Ecowatt Red Day: - Log on to the zebrix CMS - Select the screens concerned (all screens can also be selected in one click using the checkbox at the top of the column) - Click on "Hardware tools" in the toolbar - In the "Control" tab, click on "Force screen off" and your screens will instantly turn off their tiles. The day after the Ecowatt red day, you can turn the screens back on just as quickly using the same procedure, but this time disabling the "Force screen off" option. They will then follow your schedules again. ===== Can screen shutdowns be scheduled in advance? ===== Yes, but the operation is certainly more time-consuming, especially if you have a large number of scheduling targets to modify. We therefore recommend the method described above, which only requires a few clicks just before and just after the day in question. ===== Can the screen be switched off manually? ===== Yes, but turning it off manually, either electrically or using the remote control, no longer allows remote control via zebrix. As a result, it will have to be switched back on manually as well. ===== Is the screen completely switched off using the procedure described? ===== The screen is in a standby state similar to that used at night. The screen panel is effectively switched off. As the screen panel is the element that consumes the most energy, its consumption is reduced by 80 to 95% compared to its standby consumption. Only the screen's motherboard remains active in reduced power mode. The screen needs to remain in this standby state to retain access to the network and be able to switch it back on the day after an Ecowatt red day. ===== How can I be kept informed of the Ecowatt situation? ===== RTE is responsible for defining the days concerned, three days in advance if possible, at the latest the day before the day in question. **You can obtain this information:** * On the https://monecowatt.fr website * By email and SMS alert (register on the above site) ===== How frequent will ecowatt red days be? ===== According to RTE, this depends on several factors: * The severity of the winter (mild, cold, very cold, etc.) * The gas supply situation for power stations and the possibilities for importing electricity. Based on projections deemed realistic, RTE indicates that there could be between 0 and 5 Ecowatt red days this winter. However, more pessimistic and less likely scenarios (very cold winter combined with major difficulties in importing electricity and gas) estimate up to 30 red days over the winter period.