====== How do you integrate a Google Slides presentation into a zebrix page? ====== ====== Creating and publishing your Google Slides presentation ====== - Create your Google Slides presentation or open your existing presentation \\ {{:fr:embed_google_slides_1.jpg?nolink|}} - **File** > **Publish to the web** \\ {{:fr:embed_google_slides_2.jpg?nolink|}} - In the **Publish** tab, specify the display duration per slide, and tick the automatic restart at the end of the slideshow. - Copy the publication URL \\ {{:fr:embed_google_slides_3.jpg?nolink|}} ====== Adapt the publication URL ====== - In order to work, you need to adapt the URL slightly. Replace the word **pub** with **embed** and add **&rm=minimal** at the end of the URL (this will hide the slideshow control buttons at the bottom of the slides). **%%https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2TACX-1vTJS7t5BTqq80TA21WX5uM1Y9zGB8NFcUFmhiy-PEHmy7-M6RtX2QFVl0IfX4aysKseTGgfiaX3KJOi/%%pub%%?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000%%**\\ **%%https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2TACX-1vTJS7t5BTqq80TA21WX5uM1Y9zGB8NFcUFmhiy-PEHmy7-M6RtX2QFVl0IfX4aysKseTGgfiaX3KJOi/%%embed%%?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000%%&rm=minimal** ====== Integration into a zebrix page ====== - Create a new page - Add a new zone, position and size it as required - Define it as a **web** type zone \\{{:fr:embed_google_slides_4.jpg?nolink|}} - In the **Web Zone Properties** pane, click on the **Reset** button \\ {{:fr:webzone_reset.jpg?nolink|}} - In the **Zone content** pane, paste the URL - Your Google Slide presentation is now embedded in your zebrix page and ready to be displayed on screens {{:fr:embed_google_slides_5.jpg?nolink|}}