====== Fair usage policy of zebrix storage ====== Depending on your type of zebrix account, your account may benefits of an "unlimited storage". Unlimited storage is however subject to a fair usage policy. In concrete terms, the "Fair Use Policy" means that the zebrix user agrees to respect certain rules, including the fact that he/she will only store on the zebrix platform the files that are necessary for the broadcasts (current and future) on the digital screens connected to the zebrix platform.   The user is also allowed to keep files from old broadcasts if he/she believes that these files could still be useful in future broadcasts.  Nevertheless, he/she will delete files that he/she no longer considers useful and undertakes to delete content that has not been broadcast for more than 2 years.  In this respect, the "Cleaning wizard" tool provided in zebrix will enable him/her to easily list the files that have not been used for a period that he/she can specify. **In addition, as the following cases of use are not considered to fall within the scope of the Fair Use Policy, the user undertakes not to :** * store files for archiving purposes; * store files for the purpose of sharing between users * use storage for files that are not used for digital POS distribution; * use storage for backup purposes; * use storage to store illegal files of any kind; If zebrix believes that the use of the storage is outside the scope of these rules, it undertakes to alert the user by email of the situation. If this situation occurs, the parties agree to implement one of the following actions as soon as possible will meet to determine together whether the stored content is solely related to digital signage and whether it has been used for less than two years. If this is not the case, the user undertakes to reduce the number of files stored in his zebrix account and to delete the files that do not fall within the scope of the Fair Use Policy within eight days. If this is not the case, the parties will have to agree on the financial conditions under which the user will be able to have more permissive storage conditions, it being understood that this price will be calculated in proportion to the additional storage space granted to the customer and taking into account the initial price paid by the customer.