====== New 2.10 features (scheduled for release on 24 October) ====== ===== New visual identity (web version and mobile application) ===== With this new version of zebrix, we present you with a new, clearer and more up-to-date visual identity. {{ :en:screencapture_2022-10-17_a_11.52.41.png?600 |}} From the login page, you will discover your new interface as well as the new zebrix logo and its new colours. All the icons, which are now clearer, have also been redesigned by our web designer. {{:fr:screencapture_2022-10-17_a_14.56.44.png?300|}} The zebrix mobile application has also adopted this new visual identity. {{:en:capture_mobile.jpg?300|}} The user experience has also been enhanced with a number of optimisations. Naturally, we've made sure that you can easily find your way around. The toolbars are now tidier and clearer: for example, we've grouped the filter buttons together and, wherever possible, we've put text next to the pictograms on the buttons to make it easier to understand what they do. {{:fr:screencapture_2022-10-17_a_16.26.17.png|}} In the list of screens, the screens now appear in their real state, in portrait or landscape. {{:fr:screencapture_2022-10-17_a_16.19.33.png?300|}} We hope you enjoy the new look as much as we do. ==== New page editor ==== We're delighted to present this new version of the page editor. It has been enhanced with new features to make page creation more flexible. We've added zone alignment tools and multi-selection. {{ :en:position_2x.png?600 |}} ===== Zone multi-selection: ===== //**To deselect, click on the page or on an area outside the selection **//. You will be able to select several zones at the same time. This will allow you, for example, to move a group of zones, manage their dimensions or change properties for all the selected zones (for example, change the font for all the selected zones). **Alignment tools A group of selected zones can be aligned with a single click on the left-most zone, the right-most zone, the highest zone and so on. However, if only one zone is selected, it will be aligned with the page background. **Sizing tools the selected zones will all adopt the dimensions of the widest or highest zone in the selection. ===== Zone palettes ===== We have also revised the zone palette. {{ :layer_2x.png?600 |}} The page is now at the bottom of the work surface, as if on a table, and the zones are added one on top of the other. To add a new zone, press the blue "+" button A new zone appears, and to the left of this zone there is a grip that lets you move a zone to the foreground or background. Next, there is a pictogram indicating the type of zone, by default a text zone. Next is the zone name, which you can rename. Then there are two new buttons: duplicate to copy the zone and trash to delete it. To rearrange the order of zones in the foreground or background, you can now move one zone above or below another in the zones palette by clicking and dragging on the grip to the left of one zone to take it above or below another. ==== Better responsiveness from the CMS ==== We took advantage of the summer break to migrate the zebrix servers to a brand new, much more powerful, latest-generation server and network infrastructure. The result is a significant improvement in the responsiveness of the CMS and the speed of video encoding, which is 2x faster on average. At the same time, our developers have made a number of optimisations to the CMS, further enhancing its responsiveness.