====== Tizen firmwares compatibility with zebrix ====== ===== Tizen 2.4 - SSSP4 (PMxxF, PMxxH, PHxxF) T-HKMLAKUC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |< 2000|not recommended|White image, playlist loading not possible, screen doesn't start its planification (stays in standby mode)| |2000.x|not recommended|Wrong panel status (displayed as "black" in the cms but actually showing content), white image, loading playlist might be impossible| |2002.x|not recommended|screen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)| |2003.x|not recommended|screen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)| |2004.x|not recommended|screen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)| |2005.x|not recommended|occasional source change in the morning, screen need to be rebooted| |2006.x|not recommended|SSL certificate issues| |2007.x|not recommended|Screens are downloading in loop because of a setDate API that is not working| |2008.x|not recommended|White patch on the top left corner of the image, SetOrientation API not working| |<2009 |not recommended|PiP not-supported in Portrait| |2020.x|not recommended|occasional source change in the morning, screen need to be rebooted| |2030.x|not recommended|SSL certificate issues| |<2040|not recommended|Sound not working properly on the first video of the playlist| |<2043.x|not recommended|screen might be black after a reboot in very rare situations| |2043.x|not recommended|SSL certificate issues| |2050.x|not recommended|seems to have problem to start the application on boot/reboot| |2060.x|not recommended|Black screen on playing Portrait videos playlist| |2070.x|not recommended|SSL certificate issues| |2080.x|**recommended (**16/04/2019**)** |**Warning** : PIP not-supported, if you use pip, use firmware 2090| |2090.x|**compatible (**07/10/2019**)** |Seamless video not working| |2100.x|not recommended|Critical problem with zebrix (api Date)| |2110.x|**compatible** |Seamless video not working| |2120.x|**recommended (**31/01/2023**)** |Seamless video not working| |2130.x|not recommended |Critical problem with zebrix (api file_size)| |2131.x|not recommended|Sound bug on the videos and does not play all videos| |2140.x|**compatible** |no problem known| |2160.x|**recommended (**09/04/2024**)** |no problem known| ===== Tizen 2.4 - SSSP4 (OMF, OHF, OHF-V, OMH-T) T-HKMLODWWC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |< 2100|not recommended|Critical problem with zebrix| |2100.x|**recommended (**31/01/2023**)**|no problem known| |2130.x|not recommended |Critical problem with zebrix (api file_size)| ===== Tizen 2.4 - SSSP4 (OHxxF OMxxH) T-HKMLXODWWC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |1000.2|**recommended** |no problem known| ===== Tizen 3.0 - SSSP5 (QBxxH, QMxxH, QHxxH, DBxxJ) T-KTMLAKUC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |<2010.3|not recommended|Problem with video in portrait mode, image can freeze after about one hour of playback| |2010.3|not recommended|Critical problem to download and store files (SAMSUNG known problem with Download API)| |2020.2|not recommended|Problem with video in portrait mode, image can freeze after about one hour of playback| |2030.4|not recommended|might go to black after reboot in very rare cases| |2030.4|not recommended|might go to black after reboot in very rare cases, problem to download app update| |2040.7|not recommended|not launching app by giving error popup.| |2050.4|compatible|no problem known| |2060.7|compatible|problem with Persistent Storage Quota and getCurrentTimeZone| |2070.6|compatible|no problem known| |2080.2|**recommended (**02/08/2019**)**|no problem known| |2090.4|not recommended|App Update Default and getFirmwareVersion error| |2100.5|**compatible**|Seamless video not working| |2110.x|**compatible**|Seamless video not working| |2111.x|**compatible**|Seamless video not working| |2120.x|**compatible**|Seamless video not working| |2130.x|**compatible**|Seamless video not working| |2140.x|test|test in progress| ===== Tizen 4.0 - SSSP6 (QBxxN-(A)(B), QMxxN-(A)(B), QExxN-(A)(B), OMxxN, SHxxRN) T-KTM2ELAKUC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |1040.0|not recommended |no problem known| |1070.0|not recommended |no problem known| |1080.0|not recommended |no problem known| |1090.0|not recommended |unexpected behavior| |1110.0|not recommended |Video Black Screen in Portrait Mode| |1120.0|not recommended |unexpected behavior| |1130.0|not recommended|unexpected behavior| |1140.5|not recommended |OMN jerky video & crash| |2000.3|not recommended |OMN jerky video & crash| |2021.5|not recommended |OMN jerky video & crash| |2030.6|not recommended |OMN jerky video & crash - black between content issue| |2031.5|**compatible (**02/08/2019**)**|[FIX] OMN jerky video & crash [FIX]| |2040.1|not recommended |OMN jerky video & crash| |2060.4|**compatible (**15/09/2019**)** |EDID problem if external player on HDMI / DP| |2070.3|**recommended (**07/10/2019**)**|Previous micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area| |2080.x|**compatible**|Previous micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area| |2081.x|**compatible**|Previous micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area| |2090.x|**compatible**|Untested| |2120.x|**compatible**|seamless video not working| |2122.x|**compatible**|seamless video not working| |2140.x|**compatible**|Previous micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area| |2171.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2181.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2200.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2210.x|**compatible**|not recommended on VMxxR series| |2211.x|**compatible**|in some situations, video playback is not starting at 00:00, black cut between content and video lag and video artefact (barcode problem)| |2220.x|**compatible**|in some situations, video playback is not starting at 00:00, black cut between content and video lag| |2270.x|**compatible**|micro black cut between mixed content| |2280.x|**compatible**|micro black cut between mixed content| |2320.x|not recommended|Lag on video| |2331.x|not recommended|Lag on video| |2340.x|not recommended|Lag on video, image transition in zone not working properly| |2351.x|**compatible**|micro black cut between mixed content| |2360.x|**compatible**|micro black cut between mixed content| |2370.x|**compatible**|micro black cut between mixed content| |2380.x|**recommended (**31/01/2023**)**|no problem known| |2390.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2410.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2430.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2440.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |2450.x|**compatible**|no problem known| ===== Tizen 5.0 - SSSP7 (QPxxR, QPxxRQN, QExxR, OMxxR, OMxxN-S, SHxxRN) T-MSMLWWC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |1030.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1060.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1070.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1130.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1150.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1180.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1190.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1230.x|not recommended|not working properly, the screen remains black when starting up in portrait mode with a video content| |1241.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1250.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1300.x|**recommended**|no problem known| |1310.x|test|test in progress| ===== Tizen 6.5 - SSSP10 (QBxxB, QMxxB) S-PTMWWC ===== ^Version^Support^Bug description| |1000.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1010.x|not recommended|video not working properly| |1020.x|not recommended|[[en:sssp9_-_1020|seamless video not working, PIP not working properly]]| |1030.x|not recommended|Small slowdown when switching from one video to another ; Black micro flash between image and video| |1040.x|not recommended|not working properly ; micro black cut between mixed content| |1060.x|**recommended (**31/01/2023**)**|no problem known| |1070.x|not recommended|video not working properly| |1080.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1090.x|**recommended (**12/06/2023**)**|no problem known| |1100.x|**recommended (**11/10/2023**)**|no problem known| |1110.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1130.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1140.x|**recommended**|no problem known| ===== Tizen 7 (QMxxC) S-PTMLWWC ===== |1030.x|**recommended (**15/11/2023**)**|no problem known| |1040.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1050.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1060.x|**recommended**|no problem known| ===== Tizen 7 (QBxxC) S-KSU2EWW ===== |1020.x|not recommended|no problem known| |1030.x|not recommended|no problem known| |1060.x|not recommended|not working properly| |1070.x|**compatible**|no problem known| |1080.x|**recommended**|no problem known|