Initial configuration SSSP6 screen

The following operations must be carried out using the Samsung remote control

1 - Language selection

- Scroll down using the arrows and select your language using the OK button (located between the arrows). - Right arrow to move on to the next menu. - Right arrow to go to the next menu

2 - Type of installation

- Select “basic configuration” and confirm - Right arrow to go to the next menu

3 - Display orientation

Depending on how your equipment is installed

4 - Connecting to an internet network}

The equipment can be connected either to a wireless network (Wifi) or to a wired network (RJ45), depending on your type of connection.

- If you encounter any connection problems, please contact Manganelli support at

5 - Reading via

Once the network has been set up, you need to install the application. In Read via, select Launch URL. Then click Next (right arrow)

Enter the URL of the zebrix server:

For the USA

for Europe

Then click on “Done”.

6 - Configuring the RM server

In the server address, enter: then click “Done” and right arrow to go to the next menu.

7 - Server peripherals

You don't have to do anything, just right arrow to skip the menu.

8 - Setting the date and time

Use the arrows to set the screen to the correct date and time, Caution: if the screen is not set correctly for the time and day, this could cause problems with broadcasting on the screens.

Congratulations, the screen configuration is now complete!

All that's left is to launch the application by pressing “Home”.

Select “Launch URL

Once the application is complete, the content will be broadcast.

(If this is an installation configuration, the screen may need to be activated. Please contact support if this is the case.)