Table of Contents

I have received an email alerting me that contact with my screen has been lost

What does this mean?

Your screen uses your internet connection to connect with the zebrix control system. Contact between your screen and zebrix is maintained at all times by the system, allowing you, for example, to control and change the content it broadcasts at any time. If you have received an email alert from us, this means that this contact has been lost.

Why has contact with my screen been lost?

Here are the most common causes of this loss of contact:

If your screen still continues to display its content, it probably means that it is affected by a network or internet access problem. In this case, the bottom right-hand corner of the screen is coloured red.

Why have I received an email alert about this?

You are receiving an email alert because you have been identified as a contact person to be notified. If you think this is a mistake, please contact your zebrix screen network manager.

What should I do now?

We invite you to carry out the following checks and procedures which should enable you to reconnect your screen.

If our advice has not solved the problem: contact us

Our support team is available from Monday to Friday from 8am to 7pm: