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How to maximize the availability of your SAMSUNG screen that runs zebrix?

Your screen is sometimes black? turned off? no longer broadcasting?

In this guide, we have compiled for you some recommended parameters, simple to adapt in your screen and which will allow to prevent most of the causes leading a screen to stop broadcasting.

1. Disable the "Autopower OFF" feature

In order to save energy, screen manufacturers are obliged to activate by default an option that puts the screen to sleep automatically after X hours of operation. For screens used for information or advertising, it is necessary to disable this function. This function, if not explicitly deactivated, could explain why a screen goes out every day without warning.

How to disable this feature?

2. Enable Auto Power On

When a power failure occurs or the screen is electrically disconnected, even for a few seconds, it is not always set to turn back on automatically. We therefore strongly recommend that you activate this function so that you don't have to worry about turning on the screen after a power outage.

How to enable this feature?

3. Enable autosource switching

A screen has several sources (or inputs) (for example: HDMI, DISPLAY PORT, etc.). It is possible that the screen changes source due to a wrong manipulation of the remote control or when a problem occurs. When a source change is made, the zebrix application is exited and can only be restarted manually.

In order to ensure that the display starts the zebrix application under any circumstances (even after a power-on, or a voluntary or involuntary source change, application crash, etc.), we recommend to activate the “Autosource switching” option.

The purpose of this function is to always ensure that the source of the screen is automatically changed to a predefined primary source or, if there is no signal on this source, to a predefined secondary source.

Since zebrix can't be defined as the primary source, we have to choose a primary source that will always be unused (HDMI1 for example) and define zebrix as a secondary source. The screen will then always try to switch to HDMI1, but as this source has no signal, zebrix will be launched after a few seconds.

MENU > System > Autosource switching

4. Set at least one schedule automated power on

It is possible that the screen is accidentally put to standby (turned off) (wrong operation of the remote control, pressing a button on the screen by an employee or a customer). When the screen is in this situation, it will never turn itself back on, unless an automatic turn-on timer is set in the screen. In this way, a screen that has been accidentally put to standby today, will automatically turn itself back on the next morning, thus limiting its “non-broadcast” period. If the screen is already running, this setting has no effect. And if the screen should not be broadcasting at that time, it will still remain off, but ready to broadcast as soon as it should. You can even define multiple “ON Timers” each day (e.g. one in the morning at 8am, another in the afternoon at 2pm)

How to set an “ON Timer”?