Table of Contents


This guide will allow you to perform the initial setup of an SSSP Screen, you can perform those steps after a factory reset.

langue.jpg Step 1 : Choose your language

Step 2 : Choose your screen orientation


Step 3 : Disable the Auto Power Off


Step 4 : Choose the network adapter, if a RJ45 Network wire is connected, the screen will perform a network diagnostic. **The Screen need to be connected to Internet to reach Zebrix.**

Step 6 (step 5 is skipped if you are connected to the internet) : define this option to 'URL Launcher'

you will need to use this URL : , then press “Done”

complete.jpg home.jpg

Step 7 : Your screen is correctly configured. Pressing "OK" will send you to the "Home" Menu, from wich you can start Zebrix. Press OK

Your screen should now appear on Zebrix, you can now manage it via the CMS.