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Tizen firmwares compatibility with zebrix

Tizen 2.4 - SSSP4 (PMxxF, PMxxH, PHxxF) T-HKMLAKUC

VersionSupportBug description
< 2000not recommendedWhite image, playlist loading not possible, screen doesn't start its planification (stays in standby mode)
2000.xnot recommendedWrong panel status (displayed as “black” in the cms but actually showing content), white image, loading playlist might be impossible
2002.xnot recommendedscreen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)
2003.xnot recommendedscreen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)
2004.xnot recommendedscreen freezed on boot when a new version of zebrix is available (download blocked @ 0%, operation on site is needed)
2005.xnot recommendedoccasional source change in the morning, screen need to be rebooted
2006.xnot recommendedSSL certificate issues
2007.xnot recommendedScreens are downloading in loop because of a setDate API that is not working
2008.xnot recommendedWhite patch on the top left corner of the image, SetOrientation API not working
<2009 not recommendedPiP not-supported in Portrait
2020.xnot recommendedoccasional source change in the morning, screen need to be rebooted
2030.xnot recommendedSSL certificate issues
<2040not recommendedSound not working properly on the first video of the playlist
<2043.xnot recommendedscreen might be black after a reboot in very rare situations
2043.xnot recommendedSSL certificate issues
2050.xnot recommendedseems to have problem to start the application on boot/reboot
2060.xnot recommendedBlack screen on playing Portrait videos playlist
2070.xnot recommendedSSL certificate issues
2080.xrecommended (16/04/2019) Warning : PIP not-supported, if you use pip, use firmware 2090
2090.xcompatible (07/10/2019) Seamless video not working
2100.xnot recommendedCritical problem with zebrix (api Date)
2110.xcompatible Seamless video not working
2120.xrecommended (31/01/2023) Seamless video not working
2130.xnot recommended Critical problem with zebrix (api file_size)
2131.xnot recommendedSound bug on the videos and does not play all videos
2140.xcompatible no problem known
2160.xrecommended (09/04/2024) no problem known


VersionSupportBug description
< 2100not recommendedCritical problem with zebrix
2100.xrecommended (31/01/2023)no problem known
2130.xnot recommended Critical problem with zebrix (api file_size)

Tizen 2.4 - SSSP4 (OHxxF OMxxH) T-HKMLXODWWC

VersionSupportBug description
1000.2recommended no problem known

Tizen 3.0 - SSSP5 (QBxxH, QMxxH, QHxxH, DBxxJ) T-KTMLAKUC

VersionSupportBug description
<2010.3not recommendedProblem with video in portrait mode, image can freeze after about one hour of playback
2010.3not recommendedCritical problem to download and store files (SAMSUNG known problem with Download API)
2020.2not recommendedProblem with video in portrait mode, image can freeze after about one hour of playback
2030.4not recommendedmight go to black after reboot in very rare cases
2030.4not recommendedmight go to black after reboot in very rare cases, problem to download app update
2040.7not recommendednot launching app by giving error popup.
2050.4compatibleno problem known
2060.7compatibleproblem with Persistent Storage Quota and getCurrentTimeZone
2070.6compatibleno problem known
2080.2recommended (02/08/2019)no problem known
2090.4not recommendedApp Update Default and getFirmwareVersion error
2100.5compatibleSeamless video not working
2110.xcompatibleSeamless video not working
2111.xcompatibleSeamless video not working
2120.xcompatibleSeamless video not working
2130.xcompatibleSeamless video not working
2140.xtesttest in progress

Tizen 4.0 - SSSP6 (QBxxN-(A)(B), QMxxN-(A)(B), QExxN-(A)(B), OMxxN, SHxxRN) T-KTM2ELAKUC

VersionSupportBug description
1040.0not recommended no problem known
1070.0not recommended no problem known
1080.0not recommended no problem known
1090.0not recommended unexpected behavior
1110.0not recommended Video Black Screen in Portrait Mode
1120.0not recommended unexpected behavior
1130.0not recommendedunexpected behavior
1140.5not recommended OMN jerky video & crash
2000.3not recommended OMN jerky video & crash
2021.5not recommended OMN jerky video & crash
2030.6not recommended OMN jerky video & crash - black between content issue
2031.5compatible (02/08/2019)[FIX] OMN jerky video & crash [FIX]
2040.1not recommended OMN jerky video & crash
2060.4compatible (15/09/2019) EDID problem if external player on HDMI / DP
2070.3recommended (07/10/2019)Previous micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area
2080.xcompatiblePrevious micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area
2081.xcompatiblePrevious micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area
2120.xcompatibleseamless video not working
2122.xcompatibleseamless video not working
2140.xcompatiblePrevious micro flash video, seemsless playlist with mixed pages and video area
2171.xcompatibleno problem known
2181.xcompatibleno problem known
2200.xcompatibleno problem known
2210.xcompatiblenot recommended on VMxxR series
2211.xcompatiblein some situations, video playback is not starting at 00:00, black cut between content and video lag and video artefact (barcode problem)
2220.xcompatiblein some situations, video playback is not starting at 00:00, black cut between content and video lag
2270.xcompatiblemicro black cut between mixed content
2280.xcompatiblemicro black cut between mixed content
2320.xnot recommendedLag on video
2331.xnot recommendedLag on video
2340.xnot recommendedLag on video, image transition in zone not working properly
2351.xcompatiblemicro black cut between mixed content
2360.xcompatiblemicro black cut between mixed content
2370.xcompatiblemicro black cut between mixed content
2380.xrecommended (31/01/2023)no problem known
2390.xcompatibleno problem known
2410.xcompatibleno problem known
2430.xcompatibleno problem known
2440.xcompatibleno problem known
2450.xcompatibleno problem known

Tizen 5.0 - SSSP7 (QPxxR, QPxxRQN, QExxR, OMxxR, OMxxN-S, SHxxRN) T-MSMLWWC

VersionSupportBug description
1030.xnot recommendednot working properly
1060.xnot recommendednot working properly
1070.xnot recommendednot working properly
1130.xnot recommendednot working properly
1150.xnot recommendednot working properly
1180.xnot recommendednot working properly
1190.xnot recommendednot working properly
1230.xnot recommendednot working properly, the screen remains black when starting up in portrait mode with a video content
1241.xcompatibleno problem known
1250.xcompatibleno problem known
1300.xcompatibleno problem known
1310.xtesttest in progress

Tizen 6.5 - SSSP10 (QBxxB, QMxxB) S-PTMWWC

VersionSupportBug description
1000.xnot recommendednot working properly
1010.xnot recommendedvideo not working properly
1020.xnot recommendedseamless video not working, PIP not working properly
1030.xnot recommendedSmall slowdown when switching from one video to another ; Black micro flash between image and video
1040.xnot recommendednot working properly ; micro black cut between mixed content
1060.xrecommended (31/01/2023)no problem known
1070.xnot recommendedvideo not working properly
1080.xnot recommendednot working properly
1090.xrecommended (12/06/2023)no problem known
1100.xrecommended (11/10/2023)no problem known
1110.xcompatibleno problem known
1130.xtesttest in progress

Tizen 7 (QMxxC) S-PTMLWWC

1030.xrecommended (15/11/2023)no problem known
1040.xcompatibleno problem known
1050.xcompatibleno problem known
1060.xcompatibleno problem known

Tizen 7 (QBxxC) S-KSU2EWW

1020.xnot recommendedno problem known
1030.xnot recommendedno problem known
1060.xnot recommendednot working properly
1070.xrecommendedno problem known
1080.xtesttest in progress