Customizable playlist


A customizable playlist allows a user with limited rights to insert content into a playlist created by an administrator. This user is thus authorized to broadcast the content of their choice, which they will add to those defined by the administrator, without being able to replace or modify the content chosen by the administrator.

A customizable playlist is an element, like a page, that can be integrated into a playlist. It is intended to contain one or several pages that will be chosen by users with limited rights.

A customizable playlist must be associated with a tag family. The content of the customizable playlist can vary for each tag in the associated family. For example, it is possible to impose the same playlist (created by the administrator) on a set of screens, which can be enriched with content defined by users with limited rights (each linked to one or several tags of the associated family).

Practical Guide: How to Use this Feature?

Through this example, we want to give the possibility to a local editor to place content in a customizable playlist located within the main playlist that was created by a chief editor.

So, let's imagine a tag family “Sites” containing 5 tags:

Paris, Brussels, Lille, Dublin, New York

The chief editor will have an “administrator” type account. The local editors will have “limited rights user” type accounts tagged to a site.

The administrator creates their playlist in the usual way.

Just like a page, the customizable playlist can be placed anywhere within the main playlist that accommodates it. (It is also possible to add multiple customizable playlists within the same main playlist).

After inserting the customizable playlist into the main playlist, the administrator must associate it with the “Sites” tag family.

1Maximum duration of the customizable playlist
2Tag FamilyTag concerned by the customizable playlist
3Modifying the date range of the customizable playlist

The administrator must also specify a maximum duration for the customizable playlist. Users must adhere to this limit. If users exceed the limit, any excess content will not be displayed (it will be cut off at the imposed limit).

Similar to a page, the administrator can define a validity date range for the customizable playlist if desired.

5 limited rights user accounts are created for the 5 local editors. Each of these users is tagged with the site(s) they are responsible for.

A limited rights user editing the playlist created by an administrator will not view it in the same way as the administrator:

1Content inserted by the administrator will be populated but hidden by default.
2These pages can be displayed for reference by clicking on the user's bar. However, the limited user cannot modify or delete the administrator's content.
3The customizable playlist is available to the user, and they can add content to it.
4The dropdown allows the user to choose the tag they are specifying content for. If the user is tagged to only one site, they will see only one choice in the list.
5The user can view the maximum duration they have. If the limit is exceeded, excess content will not be displayed (it will be trimmed).

The administrator can preview the content that has been inserted by the users:

In the playlist editor

In the playlist preview window