How to setup a video wall with Samsung screens ?

Step 1

Press the “HOME”button on your remote control

Step 2

Use the arrows on the menu to reach “Video Wall”.

Step 3

Set the “Video Wall” option on “ON”

Step 4

Here you will have to set :

  • The actual size of the video wall, defined by the number of screens you will have horizontally and vertically
  • The position of each screen in the video wall
    • Choose the “Full” mode : For the full size, non-cropped picture (which is sometimes not suitable in video walls because of the screens' border.
    • Choose the “Natural” mode : to correct the screens' border issues, you will get a more natural picture overall the video wall (picture is automatically cropped to get that result) .

    Step 5

Set each screen position in the menu accordingly to their actual physical position on the video wall, and connect the screens following this logic :

(Be aware that the connection ports of a screen always differs between different screen models, which is why you should always build a video wall with the same screen models)

In our example, we will use Samsung Tizen PM series : Choose the first screen, this screen will receive the source's signal (from a Zebrix player for instance). The first screen receives the signal of the Zebrix player by and HDMI cable - connect the Zebrix player to the first screen with an HDMI cable The second screen in the video wall receives the signal from the first by a DisplayPort cable - connect the a DisplayPort cable from the DPOUT port of the first screen to the DPIN port of the second screen
Keep connecting all the remaining screens of the video wall following that principle until they are all connected.

When all the screen are connected, power the video wall on and check the configuration.