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Widget info Traffic Google map
Access link
To use this widget, you need to obtain your own API key from Google. This will take around ten minutes.
An API key allows you 28,000 map loads per month. One load is equivalent to one display of the page containing the traffic widget.
Playlist duration | 2 minutes | One display every 2 minutes (= 30 displays / hour) |
Number of screens | 10 screens | Multiplied by 10 (= 300 displays / hour) |
Daily display time | 2 hours (120 minutes) | So 600 displays / day |
Number of operating days per month | 20 days | 12,000 displays / month |
In the example above, the use of the traffic information provided by Google Map remains free because it is less than 28,000 times loaded per month.
Above this limit, Google will charge you $7.00 per 1,000 loads (up to 100,000 loads) and $5.60 per 1,000 loads (over 100,000).