Bandwidth limitation.

In the CMS, when content is broadcast (a playlist, a page, a video or an image), the screen or player that will broadcast it must first download it. This download then uses the bandwidth of the Internet connection of the room where the screen is located.

In some cases, this bandwidth consumption can have an impact on other equipment or users requiring the Internet connection (cash desk, payment terminal, servers, backup procedure, etc.).

It is therefore possible to limit or prohibit bandwidth consumption when downloading media (hosted images and videos) during one or more time slots that you can define.

Warning: this function is not able to limit bandwidth usage for all external content (web zone, youtube zone, google docs, IPTV, RSS, widgets…).

Bandwidth consumption ban: images and videos will not be downloaded during the defined time slot, other equipment and users will enjoy the full bandwidth available on the internet connection.

If bandwidth consumption is prohibited: content updates that do not require heavy downloading remain possible (e.g. deleting an item from the playlist, adding an item already present on the screen/player storage, changing the content of a text zone, changing the layout of zones on a page, editing schedules, etc.). The screenshot function remains fully functional.

Limitation of bandwidth consumption: Bandwidth usage will be limited. Downloading will take longer, but will allow broadcast content to be updated while leaving bandwidth available for other equipment and users of the Internet connection.

Bandwidth limitation settings.

On the CMS, you can limit bandwidth or prohibit media downloads for your entire screen fleet.


In the CMS you must first select the settings tab and then click on Bandwidth Management.

Then click on Enable bandwidth limiting, and then on Save global settings.

You must choose the time slot for limiting (or banning) in the start time (1) and end time (2) fields. The restriction will take effect during this time slot. In addition, it is advisable to leave a fairly wide permission range during which your screens will be able to download the update content, for example at night.

In the drop-down menu (3), you can choose between prohibiting downloads and limiting bandwidth.

Download ban

Once you have selected the bandwidth ban, click on the + button at the end of the line, then on Save global settings.

Bandwidth limiting

After choosing bandwidth limitation from the drop-down menu, you will need to choose the bandwidth rate you are going to allocate.

Then click on the + button at the end of the line, and save the global settings.

You will also be able to save several different time pages throughout the day and define both blackout periods and restriction periods.

Deleting a line

To delete a line, click on the basket at the end of the line. Then click Save global settings.

It is also possible to apply bandwidth options to one (or a selection) of screens. This can be done in the Hardware Tools.

After selecting screens, in the Hardware Tools, go to the Options tab.

Set a restriction or ban for all my broadcast equipment.

Inherit global settings

This is the default option. The broadcast device inherits the settings defined globally in Settings > Bandwidth management.

No bandwidth limitation

The screen then has no download limitation. If parameters are defined globally, the broadcast equipment ignores them.

Use bandwidth parameters

Allows you to use bandwidth limitation settings specific to this device. The global settings are then ignored.

Set the start time and end time of the time slot in which the restriction will take effect and then choose between no downloading and bandwidth restriction. Then choose the bandwidth allocated to the screen for downloading. Then click on the + button at the end of the line to add and press apply to activate the functionality. Then close the modal.