SSO implementation in zebrix with Azure AD (Office 365)

  1. Right click and save the file to a file with .xml extension

Choose which groups/users will be allowed to login

Save the following logo file

and upload it in the configuration

In the "Single Sign-on" section, configure the SSO: choose SAML

Upload the XML metadata file that has been previously downloaded

Add a "Sign On URL" and save the basic SAML configuration

Some fields will be prefilled thanks to the imported .XML file, but the “Sign On URL” needs to be filled manually. Please specify the following URL: (please replace customername with your actual customer name on zebrix)

Skip SSO login test

Edit User attributes and claims

Add a new claim

  1. Use displayname as name
  2. In the name space field please copy / paste the following namespace
  3. In the dropdown list, select the value user.displayname
  4. Press the Save button

Option 1: using the "sign on URL"

Accessing to this URL will trigger the “Single Sign On” verification process and you'll be either directly logged in to zebrix or you'll be redirected to the Microsoft authentication portal.

You can save this URL in your bookmarks.

Option 2: you can use the "zebrix" application shortcut icon in your Office 365 portal

Please have a look to this page.