SSSP Screens video play modes (only concerns SSSP version 1 to 3) :

Samsung has two possible video play mode, the quality of the image is the same but each mode have pros and cons :

  • [+] allow storage of video on the internal flash memory (doesn’t require to download the video multiple times)
  • [+] will allow to play two videos at the same time (coming soon on zebrix)
  • [+] seamless mode compatible : to avoid black cut between two videos
  • [-] the video is always played on the very background, other elements on the page will necessarily appear on the foregound
  • [+] play the video on the layer of your choice (z-index compatible)
  • [-] cannot store the video on the internal memory
  • [-] cannot play video on a vertical screen
  • [-] no seamless, only one video per page

if the video is fullscreen

automatically adopt the SSSP Play mode, because the video is necessarily the background

If the video is played on a vertical/portrait screen

automatically adopt the SSSP Play mode, because this is the only method able to play video on portrait screen, user might be annoyed by video not visible because playing underneath his background, a transparent PNG or no background has to be use to solve the issue.

If the video is played in a zone smaller than fullscreen

HTML5 video method is used by default. In that case the video is downloaded at every screen reboot (every day) If the user don’t want the video being downloaded everyday, he can check the box “Play with SSSP” but he will have to deal with the background problem previously described