Warning : this functionality is only available on devices running in V3


This guide explains how zebrix deals with time and more precisely the timezones.

  • Zebrix automatically sets the time in the screen at each startup. (It is therefore unnecessary to adjust the time via the screen menu)
  • The time displayed in the menu is always set to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time +00h00) whatever the timezone that is choosen.
  • Zebrix is in charge of transforming the GMT time into the correct local time, thanks to the TimeZone configured on the CMS (see below)
  • Go to “Hardware Tools” on the concerned device, then “Monitor”. The local date/time of the screen corresponds to the time translated by zebrix which is the correct local time (GMT time + the time difference applied on it thanks to the timezone that has been choosen).
  • The time that is displayed in a “date/time” zone on the pages assigned to the screen is identical to this local date.

How to change the time zone

This guide will explain how to change the time zone

  • Select the screens on which you want to apply a different time zone
  • Click on “hardware tools”
    1. Go to the “properties” tab
    2. Select the desired time zone and click on apply

It is possible to change the time zone at the client level, this parameter will be used as the default time zone for all new screen/player added to this account.

- Go to the general account's parameters and select the desired time zone

  1. Press the touch “Tools” on the remote control