Zebrix player reinstallation image with custom configuration

This guide is intended to describe steps to create a zebrix player reinstallation USB drive including a custom configuration that will be deployed on the zebrix player during the reinstallation process. A custom configuration might includes custom zebrix settings (specific zebrix server URL, custom screen resolution, watchdog settings, etc.), custom linux host file (required for customers that can't use/not allowed to use DNS server), etc.

First you need to create a standard zebrix reinstallation USB drive. To do so, please follow the following guide: How to create a USB drive for zebrix player reinstallation?

3 configuration can be imported in the freshly reinstalled player :

  • zebrix.conf : zebrix configuration file
  • hosts : linux hosts file
  • clients.conf : VPN client configuration (for remote management by zebrix support)


  • You can download the following ZIP file that contains these files
  • Adjust these files to your needs
  • rename the “example” folder with the name of your specific configuration (it is generally the customer or project name that is used)
  • Move te folder containing the three files to your USB drive to the path home > partimag

In the folder home > partimag :

  • Replace the existing banner.sh by the new one provided
  • Add the setZebrixSettings.sh file

In the folder boot > grub, please edit the grub.cfg file and paste the following:

  search --set -f /live/vmlinuz
  linux /live/vmlinuz boot=live union=overlay username=user config components  noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid noeject locales=en_US.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=NONE ocs_live_run="ocs-live-restore" ocs_live_extra_param="-b -scr -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -r -j2 -icds -k1 -p true restoredisk 20.11-03-ZEBRIX first_available" ocs_postrun="/lib/live/mount/medium/home/partimag/setZebrixSettings.sh example" ocs_postrun1="/lib/live/mount/medium/home/partimag/banner.sh" ocs_live_batch=yes vga=791 ip= net.ifnames=0 quiet nosplash i915.blacklist=yes radeonhd.blacklist=yes nouveau.blacklist=yes vmwgfx.enable_fbdev=1
  initrd /live/initrd.img