zebrix version 2.10 - New features (to be released on 24 October)

With this new version of zebrix we present you with a new, clearer and more up-to-date design

From the login page, you will discover your new interface as well as the new zebrix logo and its new colours. All the icons, now clearer, have also been redesigned by our web designer.

The zebrix mobile application also adopts this new identity.

The user experience has also been improved with many optimizations. Of course, we have made sure that you can easily find your way around.

The toolbars are now tidier and clearer: for example, we have grouped the filter buttons together and, where possible, on the buttons we have put text next to the pictograms to better understand their action.

In the screen list, screens now appear in their actual physical orientation, portrait or landscape.

We hope you enjoy the new look as much as we do.

We are pleased to present this new version of the page editor. The page editor has been enhanced with new features to make it easier to create your pages.

We have improved the user experience for creating, duplicating, reorganising and deleting zones.

Multi-select zones:

You will now be able to select multiple zones at the same time. This will allow you, for example, to move multiple zones at the same time, manage their sizing, or change properties for all selected zones (for example: change the font for the entire selection).

Multi-selection is performed as follows:

  • Under Windows: CTRL+Left-click on the relevant areas
  • In Mac OS: CMD+Left click on the relevant areas

Alignment tools

The selected areas can be aligned with a single click on the leftmost area, the rightmost area, the uppermost area, etc.

Sizing tools

The selected areas will all take on the size of the widest or highest area in the selection. Two new buttons also allow you to size an area to the full width or height of the page with one click.

Distribution tools

from three selected areas, these two new buttons allow you to space the areas equally apart from each other.

These new tools in video...

During the summer break, we took the opportunity to migrate the zebrix servers to a brand new, much more efficient server and network infrastructure. The result is a significant improvement in the responsiveness of the CMS and the speed of video encoding, which is on average 2x faster.

At the same time, our developers have made several optimisations to the CMS to further improve its responsiveness.

It is now possible to know the operator (ISP) of the internet connection of a screen. This is useful to detect internet problems due to the operator more easily. A rough geographical location is also proposed.

This data is updated once a month as well as when an equipment is first connected.